“My son had been a great sleeper from about 7 weeks old. Right after Christmas when I started a new business venture, he started getting out of bed in the night – at the worst point on the hour every hour – as well as being a little more difficult to settle. I am a 7 hours straight through sleeper. To say I thought I was losing my mind is an understatement, made doubly hard because he didn’t seem to need anything or be upset when he woke, just wanted to check I was there!
Millpond’s techniques are subtle but very effective and Juliet was so thoughtful and understanding. My son responded very well to 3rd party challenges from the sleep fairy and loved her little notes and treats every day. Things didn’t turn around immediately but we persevered and (tried) to always remain calm (the keys!). Towards the end of our consultation period we went on holiday and Mack was getting up once in the night with various little needs (the loo/bedclothes/loo…) but making sure we didn’t give too much attention and heading straight back to bed, he is now back to his old ways of sleeping right through until morning!
Thank you Millpond!”