Harvey was waking every 2 hours
Flavia’s Story:
Before starting to work with Millpond, 5 month old Harvey would not settle to sleep on his own. He was waking every 2 hours in the night time and would only go back to sleep by being breastfed. In the day time the main solution to get him to sleep was taking him for walks in his pram or carrying him in the baby carrier, which can be quite heavy after a while.After speaking to Millpond we were full of hope that our little Harvey will learn how to fall asleep on his own without resorting to the “cry it out” technique and our dreams came true.
Harvey took really fast to the new way of getting him to sleep and it felt like a really gentle approach. We had a few nights when Harvey cried a little but the experience was a pleasant one and now Harvey knows how fall asleep on his own, life is definitely much easier now.
Thank you Millpond, thank you Juliet!!