Get ready for the clocks going forward in March
The clocks spring forward on 26th March 2017 and at last the official British Summer time begins. We can say goodbye to the cold dark winter. Although we lose an hour’s sleep the night the clocks change, the benefits of the longer brighter days ahead more than make up for it!
How will the clocks going forward impact on our sleep?
So what impact will this clock change have on our sleep and is there anything we can do in advance to help us move seamlessly into our new time zone? We will of course not be ready for sleep at our normal bedtime and lay in our beds for an hour unable to sleep. Then when the morning comes along we will be tried and groggy and not ready to get up and start the day for another whole hour. Some people’s body clocks can make the change quickly, but for others it is not so easy.
What do I need to do to prepare my children for the clock change?
Be proactive: For about 2 weeks leading up to 26th March start putting your little ones to bed 15 minutes earlier.
Don’t rush: Move your child’s bedtime slowly, shifting the time every 3 to 4 days. The aim is to move their body clocks so they are falling asleep an hour earlier than before.
Changes to bedtime: Once you start to move the start time of your child’s bedtime routine, this will also change nap times and most importantly meal times too.
Time to wake up: Don’t forget to adjust your child’s wake up time. Wake your child 15 minutes earlier in the morning. This will help to regulate their body clock and keep your plan on course.
Bedtime routine:
Give clear consistent signals to your child that bedtime is coming with a focused winding down bedtime routine that includes a short bath, a quiet story, a cuddle and then into bed.
Keep the bedroom darkened to help produce the sleep hormone melatonin and just use a small nightlight to help you prepare your child for bed.
Most of all, look forward to warmer weather, sunny days and lighter evenings.